Sunday, 28 September 2014

Why Software Testing is a Daunting Task? And How It can be Made Simple?

You are so lucky that you have chosen software testing as a career option. Don't know the reason behind it...I tell you! The matter of the fact is that many corporate's have shown up their interests & requirements of hiring a tester for detecting bugs in applications and helping software developers to rectify the problem so that business operations could be continued smoothly. Due to this factor, the industry has seen a boom in the recent times. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Software Testing – Fulfill Dream to Become a Good Tester by Gaining Full Knowledge

Amid to different career options such as engineering, journalism, commerce, marketing, human resource and so on, higher secondary pass outs often get confused in choosing a suitable one. Now the profession of software testing has been added to this list since invention of a number of applications. However, if you are focused to become a successful tester then you should move to the direction to accomplish your objectives.

Monday, 8 September 2014

What is the Concept of Manual Testing? - Discuss Its Types

Software testing has become a basic phenomenon through which an application goes into the process of assessing the quality and function. It certainly helps in detecting any bugs or errors in the program and informing the developers to remove or rectify them so that it can function smoothly as per requirements.